Business Spotlight
Basic Information
Name and Title
Cell Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Email Address
Business Name
Business Website
Business Social Media Sites
Event Information
Event Title
Event Date
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Event Location and Address
What is the purpose of this event?
Why did you decide to put on this event?
What specific activities will occur at this event?
Why should the public come to your event?
Business Information
How long have you been in business?
What geographic region do you serve?
What motivated you to start this business?
Briefly describe your business as if no one has ever heard of it before.
What are you best known for an why?
Why should a customer choose your business?
What about your business makes you most proud?
What is your favorite part about being in this business?
How has the community reacted to your business?
Please attach your company's logo, an event flyer or promotional page, or an additional image that will illustrate the event or your company. JPG files are preferred.
Do you have more than one image you'd like to include? Please select
If you have additional information you feel is important, please include it here.
Please verify that you are a real person by answering the question: 2 + 2 = ?
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